Notice of Inviting Bids - Emergency Medical Dispatch
Public notice is hereby given that the Emergency Telephone System Board of Iroquois County, Illinois is seeking bids on the installation of an Emergency Medical Dispatch software, to be submitted, for the Iroquois County 911 center. Bids must include all applicable equipment, labor, software, training, and cost to maintain on an at minimum annual basis. The Iroquois County 911 center (ICOM) has a total of 9-Telecommunicators and 1-Director with 4 dispatching stations (2-manned and 2 unmanned/dark). We presently utilize a CentralSquare (Zuercher) Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System. Additionally, we request approximate 5-year and 10-year cost projections we need to include but not limited to any, if applicable, hardware maintenance, hardware refresh, software maintenance, and any expected cost accelerators or annual percentage increase(s) clearly labeled. We do not anticipate the 5-year and/or 10-year cost projections to be contractually obligated unless offered within the bid form attached.
Iroquois County 9-1-1 covers 1,120 square miles, we have two (2) 24/7 police forces (Iroquois County Sheriff’s department and Watseka Police department) four (4) part-time polices forces, seven (7) EMS departments, twenty-one (21) Fire departments, Coroner, Animal Control, Emergency Management.
Eric L. Raymond, ETS Director can be contacted by calling O: 815-432-6956 C:815-383-2655 or email Sealed bids will be received in the office of the County Clerk until 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 and must be submitted on the bid form available at the Iroquois County Clerk’s Office. Both a hardcopy and electronic version shall sent to: (USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc…)
Iroquois County Clerk
ATTN: Eric L. Raymond for EMD bid
Bids will be opened at the ETSB regularly scheduled meeting:
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Located at:
Clifford Bury Administrative Center – County Board Room
The Emergency Telephone System Board of Iroquois County reserves the right to waive any technicalities and to reject any or all bids or any part or parts thereof.