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Notice of Public Hearing for Amendment to the Iroquois County Zoning Ordinance

Posted by Iroquois County

August 28th, 2024 - September 16th

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: To comply with the Iroquois County Zoning Ordinance, Public notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 commencing at 7:00 p.m. Iroquois County Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing at the Clifford Bury Administrative Center, 1001 East Grant Street, Watseka, Illinois. to consider the application of Jacob Williams for a Conditional Use for a Kennel License. This parcel is located in Section 34, Township, 25N, Range 13 West, PIN# 11-34-400-002 in Martinton Township. Petitioned by: Owner Jacob Williams 1654 E 2400 North Road Watseka, IL 60970. Persons wishing to be heard in support of or opposition to the proposed Conditional use shall be afforded such an opportunity, and may submit their statement orally, in writing, or both.

Iroquois County Zoning
Board of Appeals